The DIY Wall Bed Hardware Kit

All you need to build your own wallbed!
It can be mounted vertically or horizontally and allows your own customised Wall Bed as you supply all the timber.
Have a look at the two beautiful examples from our customers on this page.
The WallBed Hardware D.I.Y KIT is made up of the following:
Heavy-duty mechanism with a Lifetime Guarantee
Safety Steel Mechanism Cover
Counter Balanced - Spring Loaded Lift Mechanisms
Complete Leg Assembly - Trip Free© Legs with new, segmented Leg Connector Bar; patent pending.
Provides all hardware and fittings to completely assemble the cabinet, install the mechanisms, and install leg assembly.
Complete, easy to follow, step by step instructions.
18 page manual includes cut lists and assembly instructions for Single/Twin, Double/Full and Queen beds.

The DIY Hardware Kit is $695.
Price includes GST. Delivery extra.
NB- This kit DOES NOT include any wood - only the springs; bolts and legs.