Sofas for Wallbeds
Many of our clients have expressed their wish to have the option of a sofa to go with their wallbed.
As we couldn't find any locally made, or quality sofas to go with the ALPHA wallbed, we have made our own.
Working with the expertise of a local lounge manufacturer in Melbourne, using beautiful Warwick fabrics, we can now offer you a quality, Australian-made sofa to go with our most popular wallbed.
Designed to work with vertical or horizontal beds - single, double and queen size.

There is the choice of square arms, classic rolled arms - or no arms at all, for that minimalist style.
We have designed the sofa in two pieces for easier freight and handling, and each unit has an under-seat storage compartment.
As we have these sofas custom-made locally, we can easily add scatter cushions, an extra chair, a lounge or an ottoman to provide a coordinated and complete look for your room.
Custom seat widths and heights are also possible for your complete comfort.
Colours and fabrics
Select from a wide range of Warwick fabrics - click on this text for the current fabric selection.
We can also quote on other fabrics.